KUBE - Ideas & Requests All the ideas and discussions
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Have events/calendars integrate with Google Calendars or Outlook so when a member RSVPs to an event, it can be added to the calendar they use every day (not the WUNHD calendar)

When members RSVP to an event, it says "RSVP and Add to Calendar" so our members assume the listing is going to their Outlook or Google Calendar - not the WUNHD calendar, which they don't regularly check. Would really help our members stay aware of events they've RSVPed to and not forget (a complaint we get regularly!)


Kate , 16.06.2017, 07:29
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 06.07.2017
Hi Kate,
Thank you for this. We are planning on connecting the member portal with their own Google Calendar so all events booked from KUBE will post into their Google Calendar. Set for the next 6-12 months.
Thanks, Jo
Idea status: scheduled


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