KUBE - Ideas & Requests

At KUBE we LOVE to hear your ideas...

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4 votes Vote

Create ability to print out the floor plan with company name and contact in that office.

We do this now in powerpoint and it seems silly to be duplicating our efforts when KUBE has all of this data already stored. The report should be able to print the floorplan with an overlay of the customer name and contact / show available offices.
Cole Ziegler, 14.09.2017, 13:55
2 votes Vote

Ability to book multiple rooms and create a discount. For an example, clients can book conference room A & B to create a large room, venue can apply a discount instead of full price.

If a venue has a walls that can be removed to create a larger conference room, we need ability to book rooms out on the calendar and also create special pricing for the multiple rooms. Currently we have to manipulate reports to apply...
Mary Ann Walthers, 23.08.2017, 14:57
2 votes Vote

color scheme

Customize color scheme. The orange on gray is difficult to read
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 19.10.2017
Our new UI for 2018 will allow for colour change
Ben Gunther, 01.09.2017, 11:05
2 votes Vote

Edit/Cancel with Fee on Calendar

Hello. On the Bookings Calendar, as of now, when a client changes their booking day of, such as leaving early, I have to choose between canceling the entire booking in order to "Cancel with Fee" or Editing the Booking, which doesn't allow me to...
Jessica McGinnis, 05.10.2017, 08:20
2 votes Vote

Terms and Conditions

I would like the ability to add a friendly name to the terms and conditions document, or a date and time stamp. That way if we change one, to a rev 2 or 3 etc they can more easily tell if they have updated it for all rooms. (Added for Lisa...
Lisa Foydel, 13.10.2017, 14:33
1 vote Vote

Door Control - create a setting in the system that will remove door access automatically from a user/company whose payment is not made by due date or last payment attempt

Door Control - add a setting in the system that will remove door access automatically from a user/company whose payment is not made by due date or last payment attempt.
Yessenia , 12.05.2017, 05:10
1 vote Vote

Add the Time to Convert a Lead to a Customer to the Lead Report

This information is vital for forecasting, sales numbers, marketing, etc! Adding the time into this report as its own column would greatly help!
25N Coworking, 24.05.2017, 13:20
1 vote Vote

A note-board that shows on the screen at all times for all employees to view. Where notes and important information can be added by everyone.

Move-able pop-up window for employees to add important notes to and to be seen by all employees i.e.: People who have not paid
Jennafer, 09.06.2017, 05:29
1 vote Vote

Be able to approve individual invoices from a group PDF view

When viewing multiple invoices, you can currently only approve all or cancel. Add a feature to approve a single invoice from within the group view. If there is one "bad" invoice in a group of 50, you have to cancel and lose all that were checked...
Cole Ziegler, 20.07.2017, 08:04
1 vote Vote

Be able to run the A/R Aging Report for a past date

Since this report only runs for the current moment, it would be beneficial to be able to run the report for past date for reconciling purposes.
Laura & Mara, 04.08.2017, 10:56
1 vote Vote

Integrate email into CRM

It would be very helpful to send out email from within WUN that is integrated with gmail so that when in the system we can pull up a lead/member and see all of the communication that has taken place between our staff and that member. I know other...
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 19.10.2017
We will not have gmail integration but we are coding to send emails from our system and track them via CRM
Kim, 08.08.2017, 11:19
1 vote Vote

have the ability to integrate with the Zapier application in KUBE.

The Zapier app will allow us to connect to our Facebook page ads and then back to your CRM, to import Facebook leads automatically. We use this app with a separate CRM system right now and we like the integration, but we would also like to use...
Rosalyn De La O, 10.08.2017, 06:35
1 vote Vote

Display line items of Balance Forward charged on invoices

So that clients can see why they have a forwarded balance without digging up old invoices. Having all current charges on the current invoice would be AWESOME:) Thanks!
Erin L, 15.08.2017, 07:31
1 vote Vote

Member Discount Groups: Ability to apply a Discount Group to a Privileged Member.

Privileged Members are our clients, and are offered our standard rates. Many of these members then have discounts in their lease/contract above and beyond the standard rates, but we have no way of applying these discounts with the current Member...
Anna, 19.09.2017, 08:09
0 votes Vote

Display member directory based on member status

Members and companies have a "user type:" Full time Dedicated workspace Virtual office Open workspace Past member Conference room, etc. It would be great if the member directory would be directly affected by the "user type". In my case,...
Luis - VenturePoint, 06.06.2017, 05:56
0 votes Vote

Add Customer Pin as Data Field in Email Templates

We are setting up a new business in which our customer will check in and out in order to keep track of their time. When they are emailed their username and password, I would like to include their customer pin as an additional datafield.
Cameron K., 26.07.2017, 12:26
0 votes Vote

Add "Payment Method" to the IIF File

We take payments externally and mark invoices in KUBE as paid using check for this reason. We need the payment method (what we type into the check# field) to import into QB.
Arthur, 29.08.2017, 08:33
15 votes Vote

Customer profiles - have all of a customer's information in one place

It would be great to be able to go to one place for each customer's information: contract, amenities, balance, invoices, space reports, etc.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 15.07.2016
Hi Erin

We have something like this under the company. You can manage all of the above from the company table ;)

Thanks, Jo
Erin, 15.07.2016, 04:20
11 votes Vote

Pre-Pay for whole contract term

If a contract is for 12 months, I want to be able to bill my client for the whole 12 months up front.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 22.06.2016
This was completed on June 18th, please contact support to learn how to set this up.
Sarah, 21.06.2016, 16:12
1 comment
11 votes Vote

CRM - Leads Table - I would like to be able to see a field on the leads table which tells me about my tasks

To clarify, i want to be able to hover over the "tasks" column on the manage leads table and see a small hover of their tasks, due dates, descriptions and owner of the task
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 10.10.2016
Working on this now Ryan :)
Ryan, 21.07.2016, 14:38
11 votes Vote

CRM - Task Reminders - I would like to be able to see all information about my task within the reminder email that i get

I would like for this so that i am not forced to sign into the portal when one of my tasks are due, instead, having their name, contact information, and due date within the email would be best.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 21.07.2016
Sure Ryan I can do this for you :)

Thanks, Jo Vasev
Ryan, 21.07.2016, 14:40
11 votes Vote

Booking conference rooms: When clients book a conference room and the auto email is sent by adding a data field for the booking notes and have that display on the confirmation emails.

I would like to have a data field option to enter the "notes" of the booking into the confirmation emails. I have clients that book 5 different rooms in 1 day and they need clarification on which client is in which room (for billing purposes)....
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 19.10.2017
Data tag of Notes is now in the email section
Jennafer Belabin, 27.10.2016, 12:06
10 votes Vote

Option to auto apply tax to amenities

Contracts and Quick Charge
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 13.07.2016
We will release this weekend of July 16th 2016
Bob, 21.06.2016, 14:43
8 votes Vote

Allow superusers to see all other users tasks. Right now, you can't see what different sales people have on their plate for a given day, which makes it difficult to manage.

SuperUsers should be able to see all other users tasks.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 10.10.2016
Thanks Ryan I have added to my todo list :)
Ryan, 29.08.2016, 08:30
8 votes Vote

Guest Booking name required

Please require a name when a guest is booking spaces. Email is great, however, a company or individual name should be required also.
Mary Ann Walthers, 19.01.2017, 06:02
6 votes Vote

When on the Invoices page, I would like the to see a column for Company name.

It is not always intuitive what company each invoice belongs to when you view them in an All view.
Zoe, 01.03.2017, 23:05
6 votes Vote

Currently you can have the option to see the Customer Balance on the invoice. It would be nice to also see any Credit Memos also on file, or even offset the balance.

This way the client knows what they are working with.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 12.07.2017
We now have this option for the Advanced invoice :)
Zoe, 01.03.2017, 23:10
5 votes Vote

ability to enter a data field onto the booking confirmations that will show the booking notes

this will help with client confusion and they will know exactly what the booking confirmation is for.
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 10.10.2016
In the new version of Space we have a booking title :)

Thanks, Jo
Jennafer Belabin, 10.10.2016, 10:56
5 votes Vote

have an option with packages to sell daily or weekly one time rates with the contracts auto-moving out at the end of the term

I would like to have an ability to sell my daily and weekly drop in passes on the memberships side and have an option that will disable auto-renew from taking place when the contract gets created. This way i can sell my passes without having to...
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 19.10.2017
One time is now live. We cant do weekly as billing is monthly
Zak, 28.04.2017, 05:48
3 votes Vote

Be able to convert a customer back to a lead status

We have a lot of "customers" in our system that we consider "leads/prospects" still as they can go through an upgrade process and change their level of services. Since a lot of our customers are actually leads, we would like the option to convert...
Response from the site administrator
jovasev, 12.07.2017
We have added this to our development list now :) Thanks for the great idea!
Krystle, 31.01.2017, 08:34

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